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Manchester Rollover Crash Injures Three

NH State Police reported a rollover crash in Manchester that injured three people on the evening of June 16, 2024. The police report that a man struck a median barrier on Route 293 while travelling at an excessive rate of speed. According to the police report, there were several witnesses to the crash. The impact caused his vehicle to rollover and skid across the highway. The man who was operating the car was injured in the crash. Also, the man’s two passengers sustained injuries as well. All three occupants were transported to Catholic Medical Center for treatment.
The vehicle operator was driving a BMW SUV with a suspended license. He was issued a citation and will have to appear in court later this summer. The NH State Police are investigating whether reckless driving charges are appropriate.
A vehicle operator found at fault cannot bring a claim for injuries sustained in a single vehicle crash. Therefore, the Manchester man operating the vehicle would not have a claim associate for the rollover crash. However, the passengers of the vehicle may bring a claim against the operator for negligent driving.
Driver Arrested After Rollover Crash Closes I-293 | NH State Police