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New Hampshire and Massachusetts Personal Injury Lawyer Blog

The Injured Child: Hazards of Shopping Carts
Granite Law Group

Every year approximately 20,000 children under the age of 5 are injured from shopping carts and require emergency medical care. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 74% of injuries from shopping carts which occurred to children under the age of 15 involved a head or neck injury. Of children under the age of five,…

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Blizzard of 2013: Accident Related Fatalities
Granite Law Group

After this weekend’s Blizzard of 2013, or Nor’easter Nemo, most of New England sustained snow fall accumulations in excess of 2 feet. Coastal flooding affected towns on the seacoast especially on the Massachusetts coast and the Cape. Monday’s additional precipitation only added insult to injury, making the snow that many were still trying to remove…

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Negligent Discharge & Firearm Related Injuries: a Discussion Part Four
Granite Law Group

This discussion is part four in a series that I am nicknaming “Monday are Gundays”. Over the next several Mondays, I will continue this discussion. We will discuss negligent discharge, firearm-related injuries and fatalities, firearms and children, and the laws regarding guns, especially in cases of negligent discharge, in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We…

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Slip and Falls on Snow and Ice in Massachusetts: a Recap of Papadopoulos v. Target
Granite Law Group

With the impending Nor’easter storm Nemo set to strike tomorrow into Saturday, it is imperative that everyone is well prepared, including landlords and property owners. In Massachusetts, a game changing Supreme Court decision has forever altered the way that snow and ice slip and fall cases are handled in Massachusetts. In 2010 the middle of…

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Negligent Discharge & Firearm Related Injuries: a Discussion Part Three
Granite Law Group

This discussion is part three in a series that I am nicknaming “Monday are Gundays”. Over the next several Mondays, I will continue this discussion. We will discuss negligent discharge, firearm-related injuries and fatalities, firearms and children, and the laws regarding guns, especially in cases of negligent discharge, in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We…

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Negligent Discharge & Firearm Related Injuries: A Discussion Part Two
Granite Law Group

This discussion is part two in a series that I am nicknaming “Monday are Gundays”. Over the next several Mondays, I will continue this discussion. We will discuss negligent discharge, firearm-related injuries and fatalities, firearms and children, and the laws regarding guns, especially in cases of negligent discharge, in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. We…

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Dog Attacks: A Dangerous Weapon?
Granite Law Group

In many states, pit bulls have been deemed “inherently dangerous” and breed specific legislation has been put into place in response to this categorization. At the end of October 2012, Massachusetts legislature enacted An Act Further Regulating Animal Control which ended breed-specific legislation in Massachusetts and overturned many of the local ordinances and laws regarding bit pulls…

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Client Reviews

Professional and Empathetic Approach. I cannot say enough nice things about attorney Matthew Maalouf and his dedicated team at the Granite Law Group. My teenage son was involved in an accident that left him...


I Would Definitely Recommend Them. If someone I cared for was going to be going through something like this I would definitely recommend Injury Law Center as your first point of reference. My case went on for a...


Professional, Timely and Explained Things Clearly. I am so grateful to Matthew Maalouf and his paralegal Jazmin Rivera for their thorough and effective work on my case. Matt was professional, timely and...


Joe Stayed the Course. I had a car accident that affected my business and my ability to deal with insurance companies was very difficult. Joe stayed the course and we were offered very fair compensation. I...

Matt Morello

Joseph Russo was awesome. I would recommend coming back if something happened again.


The Customer Service Received was Remarkable. Attorney Russo is an incredibly strong advocate for the injured. He is professional, thorough, driven and extremely compassionate when it comes to his clients...


One Word Describes Attorney Joe Russo and His Staff and That is WOW!. Really good lawyers are hard to find, especially in N.H. One word describes Attorney Joe Russo and his staff. and that is WOW! He was always...

Chris T.

They Gave Me a Peace of Mind. After my accident I was in so much pain and so confused that I didn’t know where to go, so I contacted the Injury Law Center. Joe would sit and he would listen and talk to me and...

Deb Brosnan
New hampshire personal injury lawyers

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